
This is a blog about my violin journey. It is also a place-keeper, so that in those clear moments when I can get a progress note on paper, I do so.

My Photo
Location: War, West Virginia, United States

born in the mountains, climbed the mountain, tilled the rocky soil, heard the song of the hollows, and learned the names of the stars on a cold clear winter night on my favorite ridge, 'everyman's' chapel.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Directions for the Week

Play the new Wohlfhart etude over and over, and start first variation after at least trying the rest of the variations..... Begin mastering as if you mean it the Gavotte at the end of Suzuki. Begin practicing with third position shift, against the wall if necessary. Remember 3 becomes 1 and so forth--gently explore the ramifications. Begin conceptual modeling of keyboard to fret positions graphically for your own benefit.