
This is a blog about my violin journey. It is also a place-keeper, so that in those clear moments when I can get a progress note on paper, I do so.

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Location: War, West Virginia, United States

born in the mountains, climbed the mountain, tilled the rocky soil, heard the song of the hollows, and learned the names of the stars on a cold clear winter night on my favorite ridge, 'everyman's' chapel.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Practice Notes


Duh!!!!. Finally clicked in what my instructor was showing me about how to approach rifts........ Oh well, I guess it's my nickel? Anyway, I completely reversed order as another approach to combat the tiredness in my left hand. Started with the etude, then gavotte, and didn't do a great deal with anything else, though I did play through the last pieces, and the adantino and allegro, but more as rest breaks than anything.

Along these lines, I need to have a few words with my instructor about some kinesiology and posture issues. Specifically, I discovered that when I lean into the G/D string a little, while maintaining elbow tuck, that the g-string repetitive notes in the etude, and some other phrases aren't as difficult. I also asserted my bowing the first couple times tonight, which while this isn't what I had in mind in terms of the zen-approach, worked pretty well. Related aside: I have to find my metronome!!!!!!

Anyway, I've been threatening to focus on form on every note for the longest time. I'm pleased that I began doing just that a little more tonight. I'm also very happy that I'll have a new violin (rental) arriving soon, and hope that along with a better bow, I get more results in 'all this effort'. Some days it reminds me of Homer Hickam in the movie "Rocket Boys", where he keeps getting slammed at football practice--over and over again. Then I'll have those days where I can actually tell a little improvement... Homer, 'you should've hung in there man', but a national Science Fair isn't shabby either....In fact, I think I would've preferred the Gold as well...

I have good feelings about how I have approached this time/tired-factor phenomena. Nonetheless--there are still rifts and 'treatments' in the Allegro that I still haven't corrected my original bad habits in completely. I'm not sure whether just to move on and note the lesson learned about learning staccato and detache in the first pass of songs--In popular terms, I dang well better because it doesn't get any easier.....

My hand is improving but still is only at about 85 approaching 90 percent--still that's a big jump from around 45%. My instructor, the lady who carries two big sticks to keep me in line, has been very patient and recently started realizing the seriousness of the injury I think. I hope some day to make her very proud for all her hard work--but, I have to be honest: the violin thing is all about the music--and me....

Practiced just over two hours tonight. I broke my sessions down in between cooking dinner; and, my final passes through the Gavotte--especially the first and second in the last session, were very nice.

This violin!