
This is a blog about my violin journey. It is also a place-keeper, so that in those clear moments when I can get a progress note on paper, I do so.

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Location: War, West Virginia, United States

born in the mountains, climbed the mountain, tilled the rocky soil, heard the song of the hollows, and learned the names of the stars on a cold clear winter night on my favorite ridge, 'everyman's' chapel.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Practice Notes

A little over two hours, with the standard set, also focusing on tonalization some, Greensleeves, Ave Maria, Vivaldi's Spring, with less focus than yesterday on the etude--though I did it a few times. Intensified focus on basics earlier on. My general focus was about a seven out of ten, and I noticed it in my bowing before I corrected this. Ave Maria and Greensleeves are coming along very nicely; and, I was impressed with some of the little moves I was able to make on Greensleeves. The Denti is excellent. I hope my instructor isn't too critical.

I discovered on the little challenging rift on the Gavotte that if I add a little upstroke on the bow on the previous measure, that it helps me have better control of the slurs that follow.

I need to remember to print out Ave Maria so I can learn the official version, or rather the version I choose among several.