
This is a blog about my violin journey. It is also a place-keeper, so that in those clear moments when I can get a progress note on paper, I do so.

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Location: War, West Virginia, United States

born in the mountains, climbed the mountain, tilled the rocky soil, heard the song of the hollows, and learned the names of the stars on a cold clear winter night on my favorite ridge, 'everyman's' chapel.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Practice Notes

Practiced a little over two hours and fifteen minutes. Got the Schubert Ave Maria going in rhtythm and time, playing it almost ten times. I also explored the Bach version of the same, and realized it's going to be very easy because it's the version I've hummed in my mind for years. Got through the first variation on Wohlfhart etude, and got the hang of the second and third variations, spending some time on the second, and a little even on the third. With this burst of energy and focus, I also tackled a little Mozart Minuet, and got the gist of the thing. Worked through the tonalization exercises, and the 4th finger exercises my instructor came up with. Practiced a little Eric Clapton by ear, hitting one song in a couple keys, as well as octaves--it's gonna be smoooooth. Played all standard music from Suzuki 1 and first two in Suzuki 2. Also explored Suzuki 4, finding a very neat Bach movement for two violins, as well as a Vivaldi piece that if I can learn them, are going to be sizzling.

Got my music and things organized. Bought a couple extra quick rosins yesterday. I keep encountering extraneous songs to my studies that are becoming distracting. Everything from Corelli to the Eagles, I have to get and stay on task--I want that Vivaldi and Bach in Suzuki 4!!!!. One of the (I know me) only exceptions I'm going to make is as follows: The three (maybe 4) versions of Ave Maria, the Mozart minuet, Bach's "Bist Du Bei Mir", and a couple (see how I left room here to cheat) popular pieces (Clapton, Eagles, Beatles).... Sheesh!. God forbid I run into Wolfy's violin version of "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik ", or the song from Requiem I don't know the name of but keep picking out. STOP!!!!!!!!

Summa: Ptolemy