The Song List
Pathetique Slow movement--in D, if I were courageous I'd wait and do it in A-flat.
Air on the G string.
Some jig type things.
Some dynamic minuet type things.
Some things that would allow me to enhance expressiveness--teacher's choice.
All kinds of songs from the past:
Eagles, Simon and Garfunkle, Jesus Christ Superstar, funky songs that most people don't recognize like various Largos from movie themes and so forth. I'd like to be able to take songs as I reinterpret them, and simply play the melodies--a half-formed thought but I know where it's going.
Pathetique Slow movement--in D, if I were courageous I'd wait and do it in A-flat.
Air on the G string.
Some jig type things.
Some dynamic minuet type things.
Some things that would allow me to enhance expressiveness--teacher's choice.
All kinds of songs from the past:
Eagles, Simon and Garfunkle, Jesus Christ Superstar, funky songs that most people don't recognize like various Largos from movie themes and so forth. I'd like to be able to take songs as I reinterpret them, and simply play the melodies--a half-formed thought but I know where it's going.
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