
This is a blog about my violin journey. It is also a place-keeper, so that in those clear moments when I can get a progress note on paper, I do so.

My Photo
Location: War, West Virginia, United States

born in the mountains, climbed the mountain, tilled the rocky soil, heard the song of the hollows, and learned the names of the stars on a cold clear winter night on my favorite ridge, 'everyman's' chapel.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Practice Notes

Average practice time 2:00.
Things have been going pretty well--I'm pleased with 3rd position, beginning vibrato, and overall bowing and have been focusing overall on each. I'm past the middle of Suzuki II, and have been learning a lot of Christmas music so I'm a little of schedule.

My bowing has been improving and in the arch at the end of the bow is becoming a lot smoother and more instinctive. I've found an improved place to practice with 'great' acoustics.