Practice Notes (weekend summarized)
Practiced between an hour and a half and two hours throughout the weekend. I had phenomonal amounts of work to do, so my focus and energy reflected this. Nonetheless, I was able to focus in on a specific rift in the Gavotte that continues to be a challenge. I also played the rest of the Suzuki pieces several times, and played the Handel a bunch. Rock'n Rolled on the etude Friday night, and began more seriously considering getting Hannon's Virtuoso Pianist to restore and maybe even improve confidence in my left hand. Either I over did it last week with the exercise and extended sessions, or something else is going on, as my hand is tired and the bad-boy joint is tender a little--but it's a different kind of thing than earlier when I was doing my own therapy. Bottom line: I'm focusing only on flexibility exercises this week rather than strength.
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